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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

TechTV | Take Back Your Privacy Special

Take Back Your Privacy Special. I urge everyone to follow the steps that they give to help secure yourself online. Also follow links to the sites that they give to read up on many of the governments flaws when it comes to the net.

How to make money in the music industry (according to the RIAA)

Step One: Sue anybody and everybody.
Step Two: ???????????
Step Three: Profit.

Repeat as necessary.

Drink like a...goat?!

Capricorn Style:
Capricorn is usually described as pratical,
steadfast, money-hungry and status thristy --
no wonder they get left off the astrological
cocktail-party list. but this is the sign of
David Bowie and Anne Lennox, not to mention
Elvis. Capricorn is the true rock star:
independant, powerful and seriously
charismatic, not too eager to please. And if
they make money being themselves, who are you
to quibble? But just like most rock stars,
their either totally in or totally off, and
they generally need a little social lubricant
to loosen up and enjoy the after party,
espescally if they hook up with a cool groupie.

Alcohoroscopes MRK 2- the stars and your drinking style
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

WTF is up with the weather

Ok rain I can handle. Rain mixed with sleet I can handle. Rain mixed with snow I can handle. But all three mixed together this time of year is a little much. So WTF is up with the weather.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Stupid Questions Answered

Stupid Questions Answered. Yes they are stupid.

Saturday, April 24, 2004



( Words & music by MC5 )

They told you in school about freedom
But when you try to be free they never let ya
They said "it's easy , nothing to it"
And now the army's out to get ya
Sixty nine America in terminal stasis
The air's so thick it's like drowning in molasses
I'm sick and tired of paying these dues
And i'm finally getting hip to the American ruse

I learned to say the pledge of allegiance
Before they beat me bloody down at the station
They haven't got a word out of me since
I got a billion years probation

Sixty nine America in terminal stasis
The air's so thick it's like drowning in molasses
I'm sick and tired of paying these dues
And i'm sick to my guts of the American ruse
Phony stars, oh no! crummy cars, oh no!
Cheap guitars, oh no! Joe's primitive bar... nah!

Rock'em back, Sonic !
The way they pull you over it's suspicious
Yeah, for something that just ain't your fault
If you complain they're gonna get vicious
Kick in the teeth and charge you with assault
Yeah, but i can see the chickens coming home to roost
Young people everywhere are gonna cook their goose
Lots of kids are working to get rid of these blues
cause everybody's sick of the American ruse

Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !

8th Grade D.C. Trip

The pics that my brother took with my digital camera of the 8th Grade D.C. Trip are up. He did not do that bad of a job. There are a couple that I really liked.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Fuse and Fuse TV for the latest television, music, and music videos

Fuse is freaking great, all music all the time. It is what MTV used to be before all the crap that they try to feed us now. Make sure that you turn off you pop-up blockers to view the site in all it's glory.

Arriving home in about 8 hours

My mom and brother should be arriving home in about 8 hours from D.C. I must say it has been very peaceful around here with out anyone home. It just makes me look forward to next fall even more.

Wheaton to host Call for help

I forgot to post this last night with the other post. Wil will be on Call for Help filling in for Leo Laporte (Who is back by viewer demand) tonight at 6 p.m. Eastern, shows were taped Wed. Wil was also on The Screen Savers the other day too. Here are his backstage and onstage entries. I really need to keep up on these things. You can catch a replay of TSS Sunday at 3 p.m. Eastern.

"Prequel" Film in the Works

Could a Star Trek "Prequel" Film in the Works? I thought that was what the whole thing Enterprise was about? Not that I have watched that many episodes. I have not watched much Trek besides TNG (The Next Generation for you non-trekkies). I personally would like to see a series about Star Fleet Academy, mentioned in the article. Seeing how the cadets go through the paces to become members of Star Fleet would be cool. We saw a little in TNG when they went back to visit Wesley Crusher (played by Wil Wheaton by the way, a great tech activist and fellow geek).

Well that was my 2 cents.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Does Dialup Accelerators Make Dialup Faster?

I get this question often myself and many people tell me to get because it is faster then normal dialup. My answer is and always will be, it is not worth the extra money. If you do not believe me check out this segment from The Screen Savers tonight. The dialup pipe is only so big and you can not force any more through it than it will allow. As Patrick says on the show if you can get broadband (cable or dsl) get it.

Paramount Releases Highly Anticipated Service Pack for Star Trek

Download it now at warp speed before the server crashes.

I got Gmail

Yet another email account. But with 1000 mb (which is 1Gig) of storage. That is one hell of alot. Here is the email address so go ahead and send a message to help me test it out extremealphageek at (I am sure everyone can figure that out, right).

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Iraqis enjoy new freedom of expression on Web journals

Join the Beer Revolution!

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Not using Buzznet

I will not be using moblog. I tried to upload those pics I took this afternoon and I am only allowed to upload 10 pics a day. Sorry but I do not think so. I am sticking with for now.

New Strong Bad E-mail

Monday, April 19, 2004

Saudis Pledged Oil Price Cut Before U.S. Vote

Saudis Pledged Oil Price Cut Before U.S. Vote. Prince Bandar pledged the Saudi's would try to fine-tune oil prices to prime the U.S. economy for the election -- a move they understood would favor Bush's re-election. Noooooooooooo!!!!!!! (to the Bush re-election)

Big brother is coming in every direction

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Second Moblog

I started a second moblog over at It will be a mirror of I am just trying out different ones.

High Five

(click for image) National High Five Day. Here is the site

Five Darkest Moments in Tech History

These are according to those over at The Screen Saver, The Dark Side of Tech Edition.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004


Society won't let us skin our knees

This is a very good article.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Up High...To the side...To the other side... down low...

National High Five Day is this Thursday so go and high five everyone you see.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Need a reason to move to Alaska?


Happy Easter

Saturday, April 10, 2004

White House Releases Pre-9/11 Intel Memo

In Da Hizouze

Old and busted: Seeing Eye Dogs.
New hottness: Seeing Eye...Horses?!?!


Housework puts women in mood for love. Allllrrright!!!! Gigity, Gigity, Gigity!!!

Parody star's parents die in Fallbrook

Friday, April 09, 2004

Beer Blog

Beer Blog. Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer.

States push for piece of online sales

States push for piece of online sales. Are you sure you didn't buy anything online last year? The state governments want their share now too. And according to some of the things that I have heard, they will come after you for it if you say you did not. That is kind of scary.

Free Lamo

'Homeless Hacker' Sentencing Delayed. A sentencing hearing for noted computer hacker Adrian Lamo has been postponed from Thursday, according to a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.

The return of the gnome

Atleast for a couple of days anyways. Chris Pirillo ~ "Getting Screwed While Everybody Else is Getting Laid", will be coming back to host a couple of "Call for Help" shows during the absence of Leo. It is next Wednesday and Thursday. Good luck Chris, this is one gnomie that will be tuning in.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Sounds like she is descibing me...

but she's not.

Click to find out who it really is.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

And so it begins

Stealth DSL price increases loom. I posted on this last month. Here is the Politik7 link. Prices are only going to get higher.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

A few quick tidbits

Going to keep this kind of short because I have a bad head cold.

Remember to turn your clocks ahead. Mine are already done.

Ohio weather sucks, I do not need to say anything more.

The pics on the moblog are from the pinetrees beside the house. We had two of them topped and one cut down. Now I have a lot of clean-up to do.

If you sent me an email in the last 48 hours at my address, resend it please. That mail server was down and I am not sure if any mail got lost.

Lastly, it has been a sad time as Leo Laporte is no longer with TechTV. Here is his blog post explaining what happen, a picture from his moblog, and another article on the situation.
It is because of Leo that I started a blog and a moblog. I first learned about them watching The Screen Savers. I have a feeling that I might stop watching TechTV after the merger with Comcast is over, one because I do not think the others can carry the show like Leo and Pat did, two because Comcast is going to be very picky about what is aired and said on air. Anyways, thanks for all the tips Leo.