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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Friday, October 31, 2003

KRZR 103.7...............Pumpkin Bras

Pumpkin Bras. Ok I have tried to keep this site PG to PG-13, but this is just to good to pass up. I originally clicked out of curiosity and well...I am glad that I did. I will be giving this a fark rating of NSFW (not safe for work). I am sure the guys will enjoy.

Happy Halloween

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For your viewing pleasure here is this years HomeStarRunner Halloween treat bag: Halloween Special, Malloween Commercial, Ween Game, and Punkin' Stencils. So go already, enjoy, and remember to scare the pants off little kids (not literally of course you sick freaks).

Thursday, October 30, 2003

AIM on/off

Ok if some of you have seen me going on and off of AIM this evening it is because I am working on getting some settings right on my Linux box. I did a reinstall of it and I am having some probs, I am fairly new to Linux and from what I understand I just got lucky and did some right stuff the first time around. I am having probs with the drivers on my modem, it keep disconnecting when I log on to an AIM client, I think that I have the prob. figured out but fixing it is the tricky part. Time to order that Linux book. Until next time, "CTRL, ALT, DEL".

Damn the world.: Obiter Dicktum Archives

Albert Einstein Quotes. I think that I will be using some of these as away messages on AIM. They are pretty damn good.

BBspot - Top 11 Scariest Geek Movies: Part III

BBspot - Top 11 Scariest Geek Movies: Part III. This is hilarious from a geek point of view. Many will not understand the meanings behind some of them. Here is Part 1, and Part 2 for those of you who do get it.


100 SCARIEST MOVIE SCENES. I can't look. I'm too scared.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Why Trick or Treating is Better than Sex

MSN Learning & Research - 10 Great Scientific Discoveries

10 Great Scientific Discoveries. This is a must read for all that are into any type of science. Quantum Mechanics rules.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Ohio accuses AOL of improper billing | CNET

Ohio accuses AOL of improper billing. Ok this has both its up and down sides. First the down, this state has already signed new taxes into effect that have made alot of people upset. New gas, cigarette and an up in the satellite TV tax areas, along with a new tax on dry cleaning. They even raised the licenses of many professionals, along with raising the price of a drivers license and plates and tags. And lets not forget about the increase in the closing cost for buying a house, and increase in the tax on automobiles. The leaders of this 'fine' state are money hungry and will do any thing to get it. So after exhausting the states residents of their money lets go after some major corporations. Now the up, I am glad they are going after AOL and not some small company, with the way this state is run that is what I would have thought first. I agree with anyone that wants to take on AOL, I have heard the stories of not being able to cancel the service. So to end this little rant, this state sucks, but it did do something good in going after AOL.

Yahoo! News - 'Price Is Right' Announcer Rod Roddy Dies

Sheep fries

There was once a sheep farmer who needed help with the difficult task of castrating some of his inferior male sheep to keep them from breeding with the females.

He hired a French guy who didn't speak much English, but was a very good worker. After the first day, they had successfully castrated 14 sheep and his French worker was just about to throw away the "parts", but the sheep farmer yelled, "No! Don't throw those away! My wife fries them up and we eat them. They're delicious and we call them 'sheep fries'."

Later that day, the French hired hand came in for supper, and indeed the 'sheep fries' were tasty. The next day, they castrated 16 sheep, and the following evening they all settled down to another supper of 'sheep fries'.

The third day, however, when the sheep farmer came home, he asked his wife where the French hired hand was, and she said, "You know, it's the weirdest thing! I told him since there weren't very many 'sheep fries' this evening, we were also going to have French fries, and he ran like hell!!"

Monday, October 27, 2003

MSN Dating & Personals - Loving your geek, tolerating his hobbies

Loving your geek, tolerating his hobbies. I just love this article. I am a geek and proud of it.

Sunday, October 26, 2003 : Conductive Ink Advances Electronics

Conductive Ink Advances Electronics. This stuff is just so cool.

The Rap Dictionary

The Rap Dictionary. Word, this site just wack.

LenPal's Bartending Guide

LenPal's Bartending Guide. Mmmmm, alcohol.

Time Change

I hope that everyone remembered to change their clocks. That is back people not forward.

Blog went back

With the talk of fire, as you can see the original layout is back until I get the new flames ready. It was unreal all of you that said they liked, missed, wanted the flames. So you are the ones who come here and read the blog so you have your wish. Now I need to either get to bed or continue work on the new flames, not sure which. I still need to get the archives working too. Until next time, I Three Finger Salute you all.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Yahoo! News - Calif. Fire Destroys More Than 200 Homes

Yahoo! News - Calif. Fire Destroys More Than 200 Homes. I have been watching this live on a west coast channel on the DISH Network. This is just totally scary. I live in the country and have a lot of woods surrounding the house. And when they said this looks like arson, I know there are a lot of freaks around this area that would do something like this here.

Friday, October 24, 2003 - Manipulation - Manipulation. This is a must read for all men. In no way do I think that all women are this way, I have had 2 relationships that seemed to work this way so I tend to judge women a little more now then before so it doesn't happen again. Remember partnership in a relationship is the key, not manipultion from either party involved. Sorry this is a subject I have lived and can relate to. I know that I have said this many times before, over the last year I have enjoyed the freedom I have being single and not having to bend to someone's every will.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

See you later, anti-Gators?

See you later, anti-Gators? So I am not aloud to call 'Gator' 'spyware' on my site or they will sue me?! Fine, I will just say what Leo LaPort said on his blog, "crappy software you should under no circumstances install." That just rolls off the tongue doesn't it?

Senate approves antispam bill

Senate approves antispam bill. Yes!!! To bad it is not ready yet. On the downside, I see a lot of lawsuits in the near future over this.

Road Warrior Hawk Found Dead

Road Warrior Hawk Found Dead. I should have posted this a couple days ago. One half of the greatest tag-teams in the history of Pro Wrestling is gone. Thanks for the great shows Hawk (Michael Hegstrand).

Here is the intervew with his tag partner Animal (Joe Laurinidas).
Along with another news article

“Oh, What a Rush!”

Stu Hart passes

Stu Hart passes. I should have posted this a week ago. Bless you Stu, you were one of the great ones.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

'Mentally ill' bomb expert missing in Thailand

'Mentally ill' Canadian bomb expert missing in Thailand. I do not know which is scarier, the fact that Canada has a bomb expert, the fact that he is missing in Thailand. But I think that would make a good movie.

The new layout

I would like some feed back on the new layout. Do you like it, need to add something, get rid of something, whatever you think. I am still working on a new site layout on my own with is style in mind, which is why I changed it, so any input would be helpful. Thank you.

Ballmer on why Windows is more secure than Linux

The Register. I am not even going to get started on this one. It is just too easy.

Blog layout

Ok as you can see I have done some changes to the blog. I am having some problems with a couple of things and I am trying to get them worked out like the archives for one. I also switched to a new place for comments, so I hope it will be better. So be patient and I will be back at full force soon.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Recording industry sends out 204 lawsuit warnings

Recording industry sends out 204 lawsuit warnings. On the note of the previous post, here they go again. Will they ever learn!? I think not.

Appeals court upholds Webcasting royalties | CNET

Appeals court upholds Webcasting royalties | CNET And the f'n RIAA wins again. This has got to stop.

Is Wi-Fi Bad for Your Health?

Is Wi-Fi Bad for Your Health?. Ok there is more radiation coming from the earth we live on then what is going through the air from these devices. As Patrick Norton said tonight on The Screen Savers, 'If they succeed, first WiFi, then cell phones, overhead powerlines, and so on. Then we will be living in the 1800's again.' You are correct Pat, in the current state that the courts are in they would ban all these things and think nothing of it. If you read on the net this is being said over and over again, 'the laws are not keeping up with technology.' This is true.


Belief-O-Matic. Luke put this on Politik7, so I decided to put it here. Here are my results:

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (89%)
3. Secular Humanism (89%)
4. Liberal Quakers (86%)
5. Nontheist (75%)
6. Theravada Buddhism (73%)
7. Neo-Pagan (71%)
8. Orthodox Quaker (64%)
9. Taoism (60%)
10. Reform Judaism (58%)
11. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (56%)
12. New Age (55%)
13. Mahayana Buddhism (52%)
14. Bahá'í Faith (47%)
15. Scientology (46%)
16. Seventh Day Adventist (44%)
17. New Thought (43%)
18. Hinduism (42%)
19. Sikhism (42%)
20. Jainism (39%)
21. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (39%)
22. Eastern Orthodox (34%)
23. Roman Catholic (34%)
24. Islam (28%)
25. Orthodox Judaism (28%)
26. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (27%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (5%)

The 2003 Dumb-Ass Corporate Lawsuit Awards

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Apple - iLife - iTunes - Download iTunes 4

Apple - iLife - iTunes - Download iTunes 4. Ok I know that I said I was not going to blog anything for awhile, but this is worth it. iTunes for Windows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just sweet. I have it already and love it. Now all I need is an iPod and I am all set. Apples rules.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Blogging and the web in general

Ok, I know that I said that I would be back to blogging some time around now, but for some reason I just do not feel like it. After this weekend of not really being online I just feel like I need a break from it all for a little while more, yes I had withdrawal but I dealt with it, hell I even left my computer off for almost 2 days. No I am not sick or anything, I just need this time that I would be doing internet stuff for myself. During this time I hope to have a new layout for both the blog and website as well as deal with some personal issues that I need to figure out on my own. The comments may disappear in a few days as well as the links and webcam until it is all rebuilt. So until then I give you the Three Finger Salute and peace oot.

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Blog Break

Well maybe not a blog break as much as not having the time to post. Over the next few days I will be involved with the parish festival. I will not be having the time to post let alone browse the web as I do now. I should be back to full swing by Monday or Tuesday. I will be posting to Politik7 this weekend as per my schedule says by 'The Almighty and DarkMaster -L'. Until then, I give you the 3 finger salute.

Trumbie's Xanga Site

Trumbie's Xanga Site. Apparently my cousin Val has a site/blog/forum. I am not sure what it is. Go check it out. And as I said about Luke's, be nice!

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Yahoo! News - Teenager In Trouble In Inhaler Incident

Yahoo! News - Teenager In Trouble In Inhaler Incident. This is just plain stupid. The boy saved the girl's life. What would have happen if she had died, would people blame him for not sharing his inhaler?

RedNova News: Sony Shows 'Crossover' Video-Game Machine

RedNova News: Sony Shows 'Crossover' Video-Game Machine. I am not one of the Playstation diehard fans, I am more of a Nintendo fanatic, but this does look cool. I think that this is the future of set top gaming, combining all the things that you would have in different boxes in one small package.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Schwarzenegger wins in California

Schwarzenegger wins in California. That sucks. I was hoping for Georgy Russell to win. She is for Open Source computing, and kind of cute to boot. Well seeing how I do not live in California it does not effect me.

KN Press Release - Children's Bedrooms Are Media Havens

Yahoo! News - Court Says 'Do Not Call' List Can Proceed

Judges Overturn FCC Cable Modem Rule

Monday, October 06, 2003

the farting dot - its a dot. it farts. its

the farting dot - its a dot. it farts. its This is funny as shit. Pun intended. - Northeast Ohio's Home Page - Northeast Ohio's Home Page: "Antique startles viewers" - Top 10: Types Of Women To Avoid "Top 10: Types Of Women To Avoid". And this is why none of my relationships went anywhere. Rochelle was definatly a 2, 5, 7, and 10 with a little of 8 rolled in.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

The Browns beat the Steelers!!!!!!!

The Browns beat the Steelers!!!!!!! 33-13, here are the stats and the full play by play. Can I just say one thing, THE STEELERS SUCK!!!!!!!

Mainichi Interactive - Top News

Mainichi Interactive - Top News: "Woman's right arm found in mountains near Tokyo". Could you imagine having to call this one in to the police. "I found someones arm here on the side of the road." Do you think they were smart enough to realize that they could get the finger prints off the hand and find out who it belongs to?

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage: "German beer fans down six swimming pools". Holy crap, thats alot of beer.

Saturday, October 04, 2003

TechTV | Conspiracies

TechTV | Conspiracies. I just got done watching this new show on TechTV. This one better last. It talks about all the stuff other are too scared to talk about. I personally think that the Illuminati and other organizations exist.

Rocky Mountain News: Local

Rocky Mountain News: Local: "Local sculpture irks some on Kansas campus". Just go look and see for yourself. I know that my mom, aunt, and many others in my family would aggree with those that are angry. I find it amusing, but then again I am one of the few in my family that has an open mind. - News - Parents Angered Over Florida School's 'Redneck Day' - News - Parents Angered Over Florida School's 'Redneck Day'. They should come to Claymont for a day. Everyday there is 'Redneck Day'. But in the defence of those that thought that is was a good idea and to educate those who thought that it was a bad one go here, A true definition of a REDNECK. This guy has got the definition down right. So those that are too ignorant to think a little bit and jump to conclusions and say that it was done as a racist act, shut the hell up and just have some fun with it.

Friday, October 03, 2003

retroCRUSH: the world's finest pop culture and Leo Sayer website

retroCRUSH: the world's finest pop culture and Leo Sayer website. Worlds greatest Halloween Costumes. This...well just go look and let me know what you think.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

L - Grand Canyon Monitors Features

L - Grand Canyon Monitors Features. I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just look at it and you will see why. There is a puddle of drool on my desk from just looking at the pic.

Bill of Rights - Security Edition

Bill of Rights - Security Edition. I just ordered a set of these. Good to have, and will drive those people at the metal detectors crazy.

New shirts, new shirts

My lastest order from Jinx Hacker Wear just arrived. These shirts are just too cool:
Free Lamo T-shirt
F the RIAA T-shirt
Pirates of the Internet T-shirt
I steal music off the Internet T-shirt

The only thing that did not come in was the Free Lamo stickers that I ordered. Maybe later I hope. Jinx totally rocks

Yahoo! News - N. Korea Says It Is Making Nuclear Bombs

Yahoo! News - N. Korea Says It Is Making Nuclear Bombs. And Mr. Burns retaliates and says that it was his idea first.

FCC Begins To Receive Complaints About Calls (

FCC Begins To Receive Complaints About Calls ( The people have spoken, 'We want the Do-Not-Call list. Stop calling all ready, damnit!!!!'

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

How many Mountain Dews would it take to kill you?

How many Mountain Dews would it take to kill you?. Interesting. It would take me well over 200 cans to kill myself with Mountain Dew.